Alquist Redevelopment

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Silicon Valley's Largest Workforce Housing Project

Alquist Redevelopment project site aerial view

Project Overview

The Alquist Redevelopment is a planned, mixed-income, high-density workforce housing tower in the core of downtown San José. With upwards of 1,000 units of housing, and half reserved for graduate students, faculty, and staff, this project can become the first major investment in 菠菜网lol正规平台’s comprehensive plan to make housing more accessible to the campus community.

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Contracting Update

Request for Qualifications CLOSED

菠菜网lol正规平台 solicited qualifications for the Alquist Redevelopment project from interested real estate development partners. As the project is in a reevaluation phase, no further developments are planned for this time.

Learn about the project

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Project Overview

Details about the Alquist Redevelopment including the rationale and goals of workforce housing at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

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Fact Sheet

Read a brief summary of the need and initial plans for 菠菜网lol正规平台’s first and largest workforce housing project.

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